Virtual CUBE players

Virtual CUBE players

With the advent of cloud-hosted phone systems over the past 10 years, the requirement for a physical device attached to a phone system is much less. 

However, the need to manage custom On-Hold content, create new content, schedule content to play at specific dates and times, is still there. This is due to limitations that each different VoIP supplier implements. 

CUBE Group has developed 3 different Classes of Virtual CUBE players to address the different needs that customers have. The Class of Virtual Player required depends on what type of VoIP host the customer is using. 

Class 1 - File Link. These Virtual CUBEs create an audio file that is automatically sent to the proper contact to load into their cloud-based VoIP host, as the updated On-Hold program. This happens automatically, based on start and stop dates selected when building the production. The type of file is also selectable between 128kbps MP3 or 8k8bit uLaw .wav file. These are typically used in situations where the VoIP platform does not integration with SIP Hold, and where there is no streaming option for Music On Hold. RingCentral, Weave, DialPad, and other similar platforms. These players are identified by serial numbers that start with "sfp". 

Class 2 - Streaming. These Virtual CUBE players stream content directly from the CUBE Group audio servers. This audio content is created and controlled in the CUBE Group portal, and is assignable to any of the Classes of Virtual CUBEs, or hardware CUBE devices. By utilizing a Streaming Virtual CUBE, it eliminates the need for hardware and installation, and allows better control and management of the On Hold experience on customer's hosted phone systems. These are typically used in Asterisk-based platforms, as well as Freeswitch, Cisco CUCM, and others that accept a streaming source for the Music On Hold. These players are identified by serial numbers that start with "moh". 

Class 3 - SIP Hold. These Virtual CUBE players allow dynamic On-Hold experiences, such as allowing callers to choose the content they hear, interactive two-way audio, API calls, and more, directly inside the Hold session. The most flexible and customizable type of Virtual CUBE, these are integrated with Broadsoft-based platforms. As a more configurable environment, these Virtual CUBE players may be addressed in a number of different ways, depending on your implementation. 
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